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Boca Raton Landscaping Services

About Boca Raton

Boca Raton, situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, boasts a rich history, diverse attractions, and a favorable location.

Boca Raton Location

Boca Raton is a city on the southeastern coast of Florida. It is well-placed within Palm Beach County, providing easy access to both the beaches along the Atlantic Ocean and the amenities of the larger South Florida region.

A Brief History of Boca Raton

Settlement in the Boca Raton area dates back to the late 1800s, with significant development in the early 20th century. Architect Addison Mizner played a key role in its development, infusing the city with Mediterranean Revival architecture.

Things to Do and See in Boca Raton

Boca Raton offers a variety of activities for residents and visitors alike. From elegant shopping centers to public beaches and parks, there is much to explore. Attractions such as the Lion Country Safari provide unique experiences for all ages and are a highlight of the region’s offerings, as noted in travel ideas about things to do in and around Boca Raton.

Boca Raton Landscaping Resources

Residents and businesses in Boca Raton, Florida looking for landscaping services have several options. From landscape design to maintenance, the city boasts skilled landscaping companies ready to transform outdoor spaces.

For individuals seeking specific guidance or looking to adhere to city regulations, consulting Boca Raton’s official website or reviewing local codes related to vegetation and landscaping at the city’s code of ordinances can provide valuable direction.

Boca Raton Official Website and Links to Landscaping Information

Residents seeking landscaping services in Boca Raton will find valuable resources on the city’s official website. The site provides critical information on local landscaping guidelines, water conservation tips, and native plant recommendations.

Key Links:

  • City Regulations: For comprehensive landscaping regulations, they visit the Boca Raton city regulations page. This section outlines important ordinances that impact landscape design and maintenance.
  • Watering Rules: Boca Raton enforces specific watering rules to conserve water. Homeowners can find the watering schedule on the water restrictions page.
  • Native Plant Selection: They choose native plants to ensure sustainability and compliance with local ecosystem requirements. The native plants guide offers a selection of flora ideal for Boca Raton landscapes.

Local Climate in Boca Raton

Boca Raton, located in Palm Beach County, Florida, benefits from a tropical rainforest climate. This climate ensures warm temperatures year-round, with slight variations during the seasons.

Summer (June to September): Heat peaks in these months, with average highs around 90°F. Rainfall is frequent, and thunderstorms are common in the afternoon. This weather supports vibrant plant growth, making it a crucial time for landscaping and lawn care.

Winter (December to February): Mild and dry, winter sees highs in the mid-70s°F. This season is less intense for gardening, yet it still allows for landscape maintenance.

Spring (March to May) and Fall (October and November): Transition months like spring and autumn bring weather changes. Temperatures range from high 70s to mid-80s°F. Landscapers often use this period for planting and preparing gardens for summer or winter.

Boca Raton receives ample sunshine year-round, with rain mostly in summer. Landscapers and gardeners must plan for the wet season, ensuring drainage is a priority to avoid any plant or lawn damage. They also select plants that can thrive in the local climate, with native species such as palms often preferred for their resilience and compatibility with the environment.

Native and Adapted Plants and Trees

In Boca Raton, Florida, landscapers and gardeners have the opportunity to incorporate a diverse range of native and adapted plants and trees into their landscape designs. The subtropical climate is conducive to a variety of flora that can enhance both private and public spaces through sustainability and creativity.

Native Plants: These are plants that have naturally evolved in Florida and are adapted to local conditions. They usually require less maintenance and fewer resources such as water and fertilizers. Some popular native plants for Boca Raton landscaping include:

  • Wildflowers like Coreopsis (Florida’s state flower)
  • Shrubs such as Myrica cerifera (Wax Myrtle)
  • Trees including Quercus virginiana (Live Oak)

Implementing Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ principles can help residents create beautiful gardens while preserving the state’s natural resources.

Adapted Trees: Trees not native to Florida but capable of thriving in its climate are considered adapted. These often integrate well with native plants, providing variety and fulfilling specific landscape functions. Examples of adapted trees in Boca Raton can include:

  • Magnolia grandiflora (Southern Magnolia)
  • Citrus species (like Oranges and Lemons)

Native/Adapted Plant Type



Coreopsis spp.


Myrica cerifera


Quercus virginiana, Magnolia grandiflora

A comprehensive list of plants that are well-suited to Florida’s climate is available through the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Plant Database.

Water conservation in landscape design is not just about plant selection but also proper watering practices. For tips on efficient watering techniques relevant to Boca Raton’s environment, please refer to the document on Water-wise Landscaping.

Boca Raton Landscapers

Our Landscapers provide service to Boca Raton and other nearby communities. You can browse our services on this page, or reach out to us by clicking the button below

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Florida Landscaping Lynx





Sun – Sat: 8am – 6pm
